Pantry Challenge, Days 5-7

Ok…let’s see here…

Friday night:  John and I went to Sam’s Town for a community event.  Ha.  I’ll have to explain that in another post – but we had some appetizers for free there.

Saturday night:  I made some boxed Zattaran’s smothered chicken.  It was pretty good.  So I invited Becky over for dinner, made some jiffy corn muffins and set out the Louisiana hot sauce.  We all sat down to my pantry challenge meal ready to go.  Everyone put a little hot sauce on their bowl and dug in.

That’s when the tears started flowing and the noses started running and the breaths became short.  It was the hottest thing I’ve ever put in my mouth.  John couldn’t even think straight.  He said things like, “hot sauce in it before?”   “what’s in …”  “how do i make it stop?”

He grabbed the bottle of Louisiana hot sauce and shouted, “You put out the HABANERA sauce!  It says FIRE on it and ONE DROP WILL DO.”  We were all dying.  It was a great dieting technique though, no one could really finish their bowl.   Oh well.

Sunday night:  Jes bought pizza for a bunch of us!  I knew I missed that girl.

I only have two meals this week since we won’t be in town for the rest of them.  I’ll keep you posted.

3 thoughts on “Pantry Challenge, Days 5-7

  1. I love this challenge you are giving to all of us, just by sharing your life!! Thank you! I am attempting to do the same thing…thank you again! of course, your lives always challenge us! I love the way you go at life!! thank you!

  2. Crap, so you had to actually throw out the meal! Oh no:( You should have given it to us, Adam only likes food where you cant feel your mouth.

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